Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What To Do...

... Now that I've grown up... 
That is, in age... LOL! 
Here's the drift, 
I am in the middle of a cross roads time in my life. I am 20 (21 this year), currently living with my oldest sister and her husband. I moved here last June because of not being able to expand and grow as a person at home (very strict religious beliefs). Staying here with my sister is just a stepping stone. They are charging me a small ($100) board and I help around the house, help buy food, cleaning supplies, etc. This June I head out to BC for an internship for a while. Not sure how long I'll be there, but hopefully I'll be back here late fall.

My problem is, I don't want to come back and keep living at my sister's. I am more than welcome, and we get along fine. I just want to get started into life, like I was planning.

I am trying to decide if I should go to college (probably for Large Animal veterinary if I did), or just jump into adult life and get a place and work a job.
I'm not the richest person around (what horse person is?), but I could save, budget, and generally live simply.

If I decide to jump into life, I am trying to figure out if I should rent or buy. I would prefer to be making payments on something that I could eventually own. My parents have always owned their land, so I guess the thought of renting kind of scares me.

If I decide to get a place (rent or buy) I will also have to get a truck and trailer. Right now I have a minivan (that has caused me nothing but problems), but I am planning on getting it fixed in spring and selling it before I go to BC. I know what I want with a truck, could find what I need with a trailer.

I guess I am just getting overwhelmed with all the decisions. I have the summer to think it over. I want to start figuring out stuff though.
Sadly I probably won't be able to find land around here because of the oil. Any available land is snatched up, and prices are sky high. There is nothing to rent either.

I have been looking around the Melville/Yorkton area, because I have lived there before and liked it. There are some acreages around there for not too bad of prices.
8.5 acres with house (5 bed 2 bath), barn, shop, fencing, wells--$180,000
22 acres with house (1 bed 1 bath), older barn, well, dug outs, --$179,000
29 acres with mobile home (1983, 3 bed, 1 bath), barn, water and septic hook ups--$180,000

I would get up to one quarter (160 acres) if I could, but an acreage would be awesome as well.

Any ideas and advice? I am trying to start getting a general idea in my head with what I should do.
Thank you!
Oh, and my sister thinks I should take some time before deciding and travel the world. That's all fine and dandy, but I don't have the money to do that. I would love to, but..

Sorry for the weird formatting. I typed this out on a message board first, and am too lazy to retype it.


  1. Wow, lots of decisions/choices coming up. If I were you, I'd rent because it sounds like buying would be expensive and if you can't make your payments....that could be bad. One reason I love living at home (besides being under the spiritual protection/umbrella that my parents offer me-1st Corinthians 11:3) is that I can still save up for the future. I do have plenty of expenses of my own (car/fuel, necessities, contributions for general expenses etc) but it enables me to save up for the future: Marriage/wedding, home/land/rent, traveling (?) etc..
    If I were you, I'd stay with your sister until you have more saved up. Or move back home :) I'm sure you parents are just trying to do their best and live by the Bible. That's something to respect and honor.

  2. It is something to respect and honor when it matches up with the Bible. When they take the Bible out of context and then call it the Bible teachings... Well I cannot respect that. I hope I never have to be in the situation that I would have to move home again. That would be horrible! When I go home for a visit I get depressed. I can't imagine living there again.

    On another note... I probably will end up renting. Buying is a long ways down the road for me. I hope to get a place where I can keep my horses. Life is great! And gettin' better!

  3. Sorry to hear that life is that way for you at home. It's just that I know of several families that say their parents are too controlling and strict but when I'm on the outside, looking in, I don't see that. I see their hearts and how hard they are trying to live Godly lives. More and more, I see kids rebelling against their parents and how they were raised and the "kids" reveling in their new found freedoms which eventually lead them further away from the Lord. And worst of all, the kids speak disrespectfully of their parents, slander them and don't honor or respect them. Which is wrong obviously because of "The 1st commandment with Promise". If I dishonor/disrespect my parents and rebel, it is as witchcraft.(Samuel 15:23) (Matthew 15:4)
    This sort of behavior is predicted in the end times:2 Timothy 3: 1-2
    This article hits the nail on the head and I have seen this happen:

    I pray this isn't the case with you. And I pray for full restoration with your parents. If they were abusing you, that is one thing. If they aren't, that is another. For me, as long as I am serving the Lord and my focus is on him (and not how nice or fun my life is) then all is well. It is my goal to glorify the Lord and be content wherever He has placed me. God knows why He put you in your family. He knows your parents hearts and He knows how hard they are trying to be good parents. Do you believe in being submissive to them? Do you understand that the position of a father as leader is God ordained? When we rebel against this, we are rebelling against God's Holy Order and His plan for His people. We are saying God's plan isn't good enough for us. I used to have a rebellious heart but God has been teaching me this these past few years.
    If you get a chance, I would recommend reading Wayne Grudem's book, BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS FOR MANHOOD AND WOMANHOOD. It explains God's order really well and shows how egalitarian views destroy God’s ideal for your relationships,marriage, and life purposes. It really opened my eyes to the false beliefs that I had before. =/ If I had continued on with my before-held beliefs, I was basically an evangelical feminist! Ick!!
    Some Scripture passages that spoke to me last year: Proverbs 6, Proverbs 15, Proverbs 1:8, Proverbs 10:1, Proverbs 20:20 (talks about not cursing your parents), Proverbs 30:11,12

    I will be praying for you and hoping that you can mend things up. My heart aches for situations like this. Again, I'm sorry if your parents aren't living Biblically but they are probably trying to. The best thing that I've found to do when I'm not sure if something is correctly interpreted is to take the Greek/Hebrew text and study it using the concordance. That usually helps clear up any confusion as to what the text means.

  4. Lydia, you are much more gracious than I
    Praying for wisdom for you in these many decisions ahead.
