Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Life at Lone Larch

I have had a lovely time settling in and learning the ropes here at Lone Larch! 
I am so tired it's not funny! 
I think that in a couple of weeks I should be in a bit better shape and not be panting walking up the hill, or almost falling asleep before evening feeding time. 

My day starts out with a shower at 5:30, then some time in my room before heading down for a quick bite to eat sometime before 7:00. 
Then I head out and start the morning feeding. I muck out the stalls in the barn, check the water buckets, then start the quad and do my best to back up straight out of the barn with the trailer. I don't usually succeed and end up getting off the quad and pulling the trailer straight again so I can back up enough to get past the wall. 
I throw a bale in and head up to Maruk (the stallion), Pippy, and Maggie's pens. After them I feed Izzy and Kazoo, then the 'three musketeers', Marios, Franky, and Phillibar. 
After feeding comes cleaning the pens. I take the other quad out  and fill the trailer with lots of poop (from the barn, Maruk, and the girls) then go and dump it at the compost pile. 
From there on my day could go any where. We could be bathing a horse, we could be trimming feet, or anything else involving horses. 

I feed again at 2:30 or 3:00, this time bringing grain for Maruk and the three musketeers as well. I also give 'Merta (one of the mares) a pill (for arthritis) mixed in with grain and put some anti-itch oil on Blanche's (another mare) tail to try and stop her from rubbing. 

Throughout the afternoon we are doing the same at in the early afternoon, heading in to the house around 5:00. 
I usually practice guitar for half an hour or more before supper around 7:00 or 8:00.  
Evening feeding is at 8:30. After feeding the horses out and about, I take care of who ever is in the barn. Cleaning stalls, filling water, and giving them a flake or two of hay.

Then I get to head inside and go to bed. :-) 

From the pasture looking up towards the new riding arena

The mares' pasture/hay pen, and the neighboring farm.

Up Cooper road, towards the house.
The house on the left side of the road is the neighbor... Sandra and Tom's house is just peaking out behind the arena. 

Tom, and Sandra's Dad, working on the new arena.  

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! Pictures! Thanks for the post. I wanted more details and now I have them. Glad you're doing so well. :)
