Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Of life, boys, and rentals...

I am getting really mad at my laptop right now as it is trying every trick in the book to frustrate me! Turning off, locking up, keyboard not working, touch pad not working, etc, etc. It is getting to that time I think that I need to replace it soon.

I am just restarting back into school trying to get the rest of my course finished up before June 13th. I only have two units left to do so I will be long done by then. :-) 

Saturday I came down with the cold that Naomi and Jesse had. I worked all day but progressively felt worse and worse all day. I was pretty well wiped all day Sunday and Monday. Today I managed half a day of work and was full of energy this morning then by 2:00 pm I was almost falling over. I am glad I went in for the morning though. My 'friend' came in. 

I have to laugh, because ever since I came back from BC the young guys that come into the store have been flirting with me. I'm assuming it's the new confidence. LOL! I don't mind too much as it gives me a chance to practice being friendly to guys and not be shaking in my boots the whole time. 
Anyways there's been this young blonde kid that came in like three times in the first week that I was working there. It was the third time before I realized that he was trying to get my attention more than just the usual smile. I had a little laugh about it and talked it over with the other girls after. Two weeks he didn't come in and I was kind of relieved because then I didn't have to think about him. Saturday Naomi comes up while I'm on my break and tells me that he's in the store. It was kind of funny because I was disappointed that he was there (because I had just gotten him out of my head) but at the same time I was relieved that I hadn't scared him off. 
Today he came in and I rang him through. He is so shy he won't say anything, but he won't look at anyone else except me. I am curios with how it'll all end up. I am not going to go up and talk to him (other than helping him find something) until I feel comfortable with doing that, but I won't discourage him. I'm just going to ride this out and see what happens. 
It'll be a good test for my patience because I am the type that 'has to know everything right now'. I don't even know this kid's name so I can't even go and stalk him on Facebook. 
All in all it's a new thing for me to be able to kinda flirt with guys (smile here and a smile there), and I'm realizing that it can be a bit of fun. Horror of horrors I'm turning into a girl! LOL!

I may have two places that are possibilities as far as renting. One is here in WhiteBear, a house owned by Jesse's cousin, and the other is the old Tweitmeyer farm out by Oxbow. Both have pros and cons. Here I could keep my job that I already have, plus I could teach a bit of guitar, but I will have to keep boarding my horses. 
On the farm I would have to find a new job in Oxbow, I would be pretty far out from town (14 miles), I could keep my horses there, I could get layer hens, I could garden some, I do miss the farm. 
Either place would work and actually both would be ideal. 
I ran the farm idea past Paul and Dianne and they will talk to the other Tweitmeyers. Either way I wouldn't be moving out until October or November. Also either way I will need to get a new vehicle. If I stay here in WhiteBear I'll probably get a small SUV and if I go to the farm I will get truck. 

Exciting stuff! 

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